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Terms & Conditions


The Contractor agrees to provide the work detailed above on the terms and conditions of this agreement.

1. Ownership of Content

Once contracts are fulfilled Leviart Marketing Ltd., any elements of text furnished to clients for inclusion on the website are owned by the client unless otherwise specified by either party. 

2. Rights of Usage

Leviart Marketing Ltd expects it's clients to have permission from the rightful owner to use any content or images provided by the client for inclusion in its materials and will hold harmless Leviart Marketing Ltd from any claim or suit arising from the use of such work. 

Leviart Marketing Ltd retains the right to display graphics depicting the completed content as examples of work on the company website but will not replicate in any other places. 

3. Payment Terms & Late Payments

Payment must be delivered to the schedule as outlined in the client agreement. Any outstanding payment must be made within 7 days of termination and is subject to the same payment terms as below: 

4. Termination of Agreement

Any contract may be terminated with 14 days written notice by either party.

Should Leviart Marketing fail to provide any aspect of this agreement, then the client reserves the right to rescind this agreement, and/or refuse payment only for the portion of work not completed.

Force Majeure: Neither party shall be deemed in default of its obligations under this agreement nor shall be liable to the other to the extent that it is unable to perform any of its obligations by reason of any event or circumstance beyond its reasonable control.

5. Sole Agreement

The agreement contained in this contract constitutes the sole agreement between the client and Leviart Marketing Ltd. regarding all items included in this agreement. 


6. Applicable by law

All client agreements are entered into in England and shall be governed by English Law.


7. Variation

Any variation to this agreement shall be in writing and signed by both parties.



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